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Teach English in Portishead and North Weston - TESOL Courses
From this unit I've understood that the teacher must remember few tips before starting his/her job. Here below the list.
Very useful are: good eye contact, not a monotone voice and a good use of gestures.
The teacher must remember that his/her body influences the class atmosphere so he/her must decide the right moment to stand and sit. A relaxed atmosphere is the key of the success. It can be achieved by establishing a good rapport with the students.
The teacher can arrange a lesson by dividing the students in groups, pairs or letting them work on their own. At the same time, the class can be settled in orderly rows, circles, horseshoes or by separating the tables.
The teacher doesn't have to turn the back to much. Very helpful are: OHP, the use of cards or simply asking the student to write on the board.
The teacher have to avoid unnecessary TTT. But, giving instructions, he/her must capture student's attention, use a simple language, being consistent and use visual clues.