Teach English in Oundle - TESOL Courses

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In this unit I have learned that there are five different conditionals; zero conditional, first, second, third conditionals and mixed conditional. Zero conditional is a fact or something that is certain, the first and second clauses are in present tenses and the first clause is either started by when or if. The first clause is used when making promises, threats or making back up plans, using present simple and in the second clause using the future tense, (such as will, may, might, should, must and can) and the base form of the verb. The second conditional is used when expressing fantasies or dreams and uses past simple in the first clause and the base form of the verb. The third conditional is formed using past perfect for the first clause and for the second clause ´would, might and could´ and the past participle. The mixed Conditional is a combination of the second and third conditionals, starting with the third conditional as the first clause and adding the second conditional for the second clause. In this lesson I have also learned that when reporting speech the changes that need to be made are with the tenses, pronouns and time expressions. Both Direct and Reported speech can be confusing to the students to learn and needs to be done slowly and one step at a time as not to confuse the students.