Teach English in Hampshire - TESOL Courses
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This unit was less of a challenge for me, as tenses come naturally to me. I, however was not aware of the fact that there are twelve tenses in the English language. Since there are this many tenses I
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This lesson covers classroom management. It is expressed that it does not matter if one is an extrovert or introvert when it comes to working well in a classroom. Establishing good rapport with studen
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The content of this unit summarised good teaching practises as well as good learning practises. It identified and defined varying language levels as well as the differences between learning of differe
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In this section the discussion of the present tenses described 4 different \"versions\" of the present tense, including describing actions that are in progress literally, \"I'm eating\" and more less
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Bishop's Waltham
This unit teaches the past tenses and their usages, and given that we have already covered the present tenses this was much easier to follow and understand. I particularly profited from the explanatio
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Blackwater and Hawley
The resources used in the classroom are important for the student's learning process. For the student's benefit, it is important to consider the coursebook's target audience, price, and contents. Beca
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A good teacher should be kind, patient,lively, able to motivate, involve students in lesson and interact with them in combination with love for teaching and good subject knowledge.The teacher will hav
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This unit provides a thorough analysis of different types of equipment that can be used as teaching aids in the classroom. These include (but are not limited to) blackboard, overhead projector, DVD/vi
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This unit is made more understandable after the unit on present tense. It is easy to see the connection and links between the different forms of present tense and past tense. The forms of past tense f
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I enjoyed this lesson because there was good examples of multiple aspects that reviewed ESA lesson structure and fused it with proper lesson plans. I am deffinitley a visual learner so seeing specific
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Course books and materials vary greatly these days. I myself have used the Interchange books and have had success with them. They possess some of the qualities that make a course book good - such as p
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This unit is about teaching and learning: about the learning and development theories, the acquisition of language (native and second), the learning environment, the receptive and productive skills of
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Evaluations and testing are one of the most controversial topic in education field. For some students, the idea to be tested is just terrifying and this experience can bring negative conesequences thr
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Conditional sentences and reported speech are usually a tough topic for students and tricky ones too. That is because therer are many elements to pay attention to and, dealing with the reported speech
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This defines a lot of very useful terms that will be use in the future. It also defines the many different role of a teacher and learner. I have learned that being a teacher is more then just giving
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Hedge End
Pronunciation and Phonology are probably the two most important lessons in teaching English. If one cannot pronounce words the correct way, no one would be able to communicate effectively, without a s
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Unit 11 is on the importance of teaching receptive skills. Receptive skills are the skills necessary for receiving new information effectively and include reading and listening. A student must be able
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Lee on the Solent
This unit provides valuable advice about textbook selection and some useful links to sites with supplemental teaching materials that can enhance/reiterate the lesson material as well as provide variet
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In this unit the four forms for past tense are described and made clear. Past simple is used for completed past actions that occurred at a definite point in time. Past continuous is applied for situat
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After learning that there are twelve tenses total in English and that this is far more than the amount of tenses in asian and Slavic languages, I realized that it might be difficult to teach the compl
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New Alresford
This unit takes a look at some cultural issues that are important during the teaching process. The points that a teacher should be aware of concerning his class are presented. Then, the information ab
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New Milton
I had forgotten most of these terms from when I learned them over 30 years ago. It was a good albeit short brush up. One thing that I liked about the actual PDF as opposed to the video was that in t
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North Camp
I do feel that I have learned from this though would consider it more of a refresher for the teacher when they feel derailed from their duties and need to revert to the basics for help. The most en
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Unit 14 overviewed the advantages and disadvantages of course books and lesson materials. Authentic materials are anything that a native speaker would hear or read including programs, magazines, newsp
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there are two types of productive skills which are speaking and writing in the lectuare. . First part of the lecture clarify and explain differences between accuracy activities and fluency activities.
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The best way to teach vocabulary and grammatical structures and language functions, are the way that is best for the learner. But with the different ESA Type you can see witch work out best straight a
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As a native english speaker, it was not necessary for my public school teachers to teach me the specifics of why past tenses differ from others. Perhaps this is because I was used to using them in my
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From studying this unit I feel that a good teacher should enjoy teaching so they can be enthusiastic and motivate their students to be successful and prepared for the next step in their lives. A good
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This Unit 14 was short, but important. Having done through a Master's program, I know the importance of textbooks, and course work; but, this unit brought to light the importance and relevance of teac
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I believe that this section will be extremely useful. It is great knowing the differences between the many Types of classes I may find myself teaching. There are many types of beginners and things to
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This unit covers the terrain of \"tenses\" which can be somewhat difficult to learn even for native English speakers. This is important for students to learn in order to convey exactly when events hav
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This unit is on conditionals and reported speech. The five main conditional forms are: zero conditional (for actions and irrefutable facts), first conditional (future actions or situation with a futur
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This unit deals with the two productive sides of language; speaking and writing. The unit starts by explaining how important speaking is and how there are two sides to a person's ability to speak. The
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I understand from this unit that grammar is the heart to a setence,especially for teaching kindergarden and youger student.Knowing grammar can improve teacher's teaching skill and student's expression
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As the introduction stated tenses have always intimidated me. Even most native speakers don't even know all the tenses by heart but they are used to using them in every day life. Most of the time I th
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to have a good classroom management we should look at different aspects starting with the teacher the main element in the class,the teacher should have great gesture,knowing when to use the eye contac
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This unit focused primarily on the two different categories of the students, beginners and those taking business english. The reading went over how to effectively work with young and new learns, and w
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Materials in the classroom are essential to have a diverse and fresh class.However caution must be exercised when choosing naterial for the class,because in can discouraage students if the material is
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I definitely disagree with the literature that says a grammar exercise is not a good warm up for class. I have been using proofreading exercises at the beginning of the lesson for years and the child
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