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This unit looks at different ways of evaluating studentsÂ’ levels and progress, as well as some of the common external exams that students may need to be prepared for. There are a number of way to
A short and basic unit that is very practical in giving one an idea of how to record a students progression and skill in learning the english language. I enjoyed taking note of the various ways of ass
Depending on where in the world you intend to teach, coursebooks and lesson materials can be quite expensive, so it is important to select affordable ones unless they will be paid for by the school. I
Unit 13 focused on an unfortunately not-well-taught area of english - that is pronunciation and phonology.Phonology is the classification of the physical properties of sounds. Phonology includes inton
In this unit we learn about all the different tests we can use to evaluate students in different ways. Each different tests has it's uses and each allows us to garner different information. In this un
This unit focuses on the different types of evaluations and tests used in tefl courses. I had not known there were so many different types of external tests. The Cambridge exams, in particular, were u
This section was very easy, and even though I didn't know the material Before hand, I still felt like I knew the material before hand. I guess you could say it felt like common sense? It was a nice qu
This unit covered the specifics of understanding phonology as well as pronunciation and phonology teaching techniques with english learners. I learned the discrepancy between intonations, stresses, an
This was a very challenging unit. I have always appreciated how difficult it can be for foreigners to pronounce english correctly but did not appreciate the nuances of teaching it. No wonder people
This unit is more familiar with me as I having been in my working capacity in Cambridge had got asked about the ESOL etc, together with our online courses we had to offer diagnostic, progress practice
Both authentic and created materials have their advantages and disadvantages. Authentic materials are interesting to students and help build confidence in practical situations. Like authentic materi
The course book and lesson materials unit provided useful information about authentic information versus created material. The unit suggests that both have a good place in lesson plan development. The
The unit gives a thorough explanation on vocal aspects of english. The basics about sentence intonation and what each intonation implies (such as a fall, rise one in cases of surprise or asking for re
This was one of the more difficult units. Unit 13 emphasized the importance of phonetics in teaching the english language. Usually, teachers purposefully overlook this aspect of the English language b