Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified in Quebec? Are you interested in teaching English in Saint Augustin de Desmaures, Quebec? Check out our opportunities in Saint Augustin de Desmaures, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English in your community or abroad! offers a wide variety of Online TESOL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
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Teach English in Saint Augustin de Desmaures - TESOL Courses
Overall the videos were helpful to watch. I reviewed them several times. It is the questions on this test that I find to be a bit tricky. Question 20, I feel could have more than one answer. I went with the contraction of can not because I felt it was confusing the students. I felt contractions should be a separate lesson as a separate concept. I noticed the students struggling a bit with the pronunciation of cannot and can't. I think that would lead to some confusion. I did like the second lesson video. The way he taught that class, as an example, was fun and engaging. I felt it was a more relaxed lesson which would make the student more comfortable. I know from my own experiences that classes like that I learned more and retained more. I did not feel nervous about saying something wrong. Maybe he could have had each student come to the board to write down their answers, just to see where they were with spelling, which helps with pronunciation. It was nice to see two examples of how teach a class and how not to teach a class.