I felt that the content of this unit was interesting to me because I learned a few important things. Mainly, what being a good teacher and being a good student entails, learning some things I did not
This section outlined, explained, and gave examples of the qualities of a good teacher and of a good learner. It explained the differences in motivation, learning history and behavior of adults and y
I have a good knowledage from this unit. It's gives me a great knowledage. I have learnt about how to become a good teacher. I would say that it's not every teacher has all a good teacher's personalit
A good teacher has to have many qualities. She has to be kind and patient, entertaining, motivating, and has to have a good knowledge of the subject she is teaching. The teacher has many roles to fill
I learned that a good teacher not only requires me to know the subject matter, but also be engaging with the students, helping them learn in more than one way. A good teacher has to do more than just
Unit 1 introduces many facts on what it is to be a good teacher and what it is to be a good learner. Some observations that resonated with me were that as a teacher it is fundamentally important to te
It is important because it shows us all the different roles a good teacher can play depending on the situation, and how to interact with the students according to it. It also gives us a general Panora
This unit is an introduction to tefl teaching, and focusses on several important topics. Namely, the variety of students one will encounter, the varied roles played by a teacher, the importance of qua
As a former teacher, I was pleased to substantiate the qualities of a good teacher and a good learner.
I was grateful to see the differences in background and learning between adults and young learne
Characteristics of a good teacher are vital in varied context of learning. Excellent teacher enthuses the eagerness in the learners. Willingness of the learners facilitates them with success. Albeit d