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Future Tenses Unit delights a thorough detailed lesson for learners to fully grasp the forms as well as the usages of all the four tenses of the future. The simple future's form in the positive form is: subject plus will plus verb in the infinitive. It is used to express prediction with no proof, decision made at the time of speaking, future facts, promises, assumptions and threats. The future continuous form in the negative form is: subject plus will plus verb be plus verb plus -ing. It is used to express an event which occurs in progress at a specific time in the future. The future perfect's form in the question form is: will plus subject plus have pluse verb in the past participle. It is used to express that an event will have occured before another event in the future. The future perfect continuous form in the positive form is: subject plus will plus have plus been plus verb plus -ing. It it used to express that an event will have been happening for a long time before another action at a particular time in the future. To sum up, I have fully understood this unit and I am able teach all these tenses using a variety of techniques.