Teach English in Waihai Jiedao - Jiangmen Shi

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Unit 15 Overview The present unit focuses on Evaluation and Testing topic. Often evaluation is understood as a process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information about students? achievement and allows the teacher to monitor the progress and determine which areas require more or less focus. They can see their students? strengths and weaknesses and create their lesson plans to suit the needs of the students. Evaluation is a process that includes three basic ways of assessment: 1) Tutorials -where the teacher reviews the lesson. 2) Evaluation by the students- where students can evaluate the course through a questionnaire or survey. 3) Tests- used to examine someone's knowledge of something to determine what he or she knows or has learned. There are many different tests that a teacher can use. Placement tests, progress tests, diagnostic tests, practice tests, external examinations (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC), proficiency tests, and achievement tests. Placement test is a test that enables the teacher to place the student according to his/her ability. Progress test ? to discover what has been remembered and what has not. Diagnostic test ? Usually at the beginning of the course, they show what the students know/don?t know coming into the course. Practice test ? for an external examination. External examinations have been used as indicators of both the level achievement of students and the quality of instruction in schools/ colleges. Typical examples of external examination tests are: TOEFL ? Used for admission to U.S. universities as a general external examination. IELTS ? recognized internationally by universities, employers, immigration authorities, etc. TOEIC ? Initially geared specifically toward Japan and Korea and now becoming popular in Europe. Measures ability in English with everyday work activities. In conclusion we can say that an effective classroom assessment and testing requires a teacher to use methods creatively, carefully and systematically record his/her feedbacks.